Imagine a World

Imagine a world where words could Inspire.
Inspire confidence. Inspire courage. Inspire hope.

Imagine a world where tastes could  delight.
Delight our senses. Delight our fancies. Delight our bellies.

Imagine a world where touch could melt.
Melt our defenses. Melt our insecurities. Melt our hearts.

Imagine a world where a smell could remind.
Remind us of earth. Remind us of warmth. Remind us of home.

Imagine a world where sounds could transport.
Transport us to then. Transport us to there. Transport us to where we need to go.

Imagine a world where sights could capture.
Capture our attention. Capture our interest. Capture our dreams.

Imagine a world rich with such wonders as these. Such a world must surely be, somewhere. What joy it would bring to find it. A gift to be treasured, and grateful for.
If you find yourself alive in such a wondrous world, stand beneath the heavens and let them behold you. Look up with head held high, and scream, "I am here!" Laugh at the absurdity. Cry for tragedy. Cheer loud with the hero, as victory is won.
For all are heroes who stand in the presence of terrible uncertainty and declare, "you will not move us!"
"We stand, even as phantom terrors lurk in the creeping shadows, threatening to pounce."
"We stand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, hope to hope."
"We stand together."

Imagine yourself a hero, in a world of infinite light and wonder.
And know this.
Heroes exists within us all, waiting to emerge from the womb of imagination. Nurture that hero, however you imagine them to be. Let them step forth, and be brave in the face of fear. And never stop imagining the greatness they can bring to this world.

For imagination is but a messenger, carrying news of what you can one day become.