Posts tagged stories
Dracula, and the Question of Retelling An Old Tale

I was reminded of something important, when it comes to the tradition of storytelling. Some stories deserve retelling, even those seemingly told to death. Some stories are so uniquely powerful, they enter the realm of what we might call myth. And myth, in the way that I have come to define it, is a story that profoundly succeeds at capturing the spirit of its time and place, so that we might later be possessed by it.

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The Inclusive Power of the Fantasy Genre

But there is another kind of experience inherent in storytelling, fundamental to being human.

     It is the experience of imagining, of transportation into worlds of wonder, of exploration and immersion.

    It is being swept of your feet, or discovering you can fly - whatever your preference.

    It is the young girl who imagines a rainbow-feathered parrot on her shoulder, and a big, black captain's hat on her head, sailing towards a chest of shining gold.

     And no genre can quite compete with fantasy in this regard. Ne genre is quite so inclusive.

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