I’m going to talk about a master class in believable, and utterly epic, battle sequences.
To do so, I’m going to use what I think might be the most underrated film of all time.
Conan the Barbarian.
Read MoreHere you will find my unadulterated, unhinged, and unnecessary Thought Train*, neatly packaged into various carriages of barely defined “word cargo” - (ahem) - For more clunky metaphors and examples of my work, click a piece and enjoy. It’s a… free ticket… to read…? (sigh)
*Reader Beware! These blog posts are one take experiments, with perhaps a minor editing pass to buff out a few of the particularly jagged edges. If I write something that makes you want to yell at me, please do… with a little kindness, I hope - I will appreciate the engagement and am always eager to gain greater perspective on potential blind spots I may possess.
And yes. Like all people, I am extremely fallible.
I’m going to talk about a master class in believable, and utterly epic, battle sequences.
To do so, I’m going to use what I think might be the most underrated film of all time.
Conan the Barbarian.
Read MoreBut there is another kind of experience inherent in storytelling, fundamental to being human.
It is the experience of imagining, of transportation into worlds of wonder, of exploration and immersion.
It is being swept of your feet, or discovering you can fly - whatever your preference.
It is the young girl who imagines a rainbow-feathered parrot on her shoulder, and a big, black captain's hat on her head, sailing towards a chest of shining gold.
And no genre can quite compete with fantasy in this regard. Ne genre is quite so inclusive.
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